Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

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Viewing posts from July 2012

Website Redesign: Amy's Garage

Posted By Ed Rooney Ed Rooney Posted On Dec 31 2012 at 10:28 AM Dec 31 2012 at 10:28 AM



When Amy Mattinat, the owner of Auto Craftsmen in Montpelier, Vermont wanted a new site for her blog we were happy to get her blog firing on all cylinders and turbo-charged with the fast Edgeworks CMS with Blog. Read More >>

Friday Props #32

Friday Props roasting on an open fire....Friday Props nibble at your nose....Though its been said many time, many ways, Merry Friday you. Welcome to the Post-Christmas edition of Friday Props! Don't put away those Christmas lights just yet. Don't put the tree outside until at least February and, when you do, hang suet balls and other tasty treats for the birds to gnosh on. Yesterday we received a wonderful snowstorm that dumped a whole mess of the most pristine powder on the hills and I'm jealous of all you folks who are sliding down hills through the stuff BUT....there's props Read More >>

Website Redesign: Deppman & Foley, P.C.

Posted By Ed Rooney Ed Rooney Posted On Dec 23 2012 at 12:14 AM Dec 23 2012 at 12:14 AM



Congratulations to the attorneys of Deppman & Foley, P.C. of Middlebury, Vermont for their new website built using the Edgeworks CMS for Attorneys.  Read More >>

Friday Props #31

I know. I'm late. I'm not going to mention why. It isn't important and you shouldn't care. Now, I'm not one to get all sucked into the whole holiday thang that's going on right now. I don't have a Christmas Tree in my house. I have a Christmas ladder. Same lights, same tintsle, Buddah head on top. There's one present underneath it. To me. From me. I say thing to absolve the Props this week of any responsibility for you thinking "OOOOOOO! I think my honey bunny needs one of THOSE! Thanks, Friday Props!" This is the same Friday Props you've Read More >>

Google AdWords Promos & Campaigns Part Two

Welcome back! Great to see that your brain is still pliable and resilient. Starting where we left off, using a set of relevant keywords in the Keyword Tool of Google AdWords, we got to this screen: Sock Ideas! No Need To Spend 2 Hours Developing a List of Keywords! Selecting The Right Ones, However, Can Be Tricky. From this screen, you can use the '+' to expand the subsections to display possible keywords for your AdWords campaign. Before you go hitting the 'Save All' button to add the keywords to your campaign, lets really scrutinize what we've got here. 'Local Monthly Read More >>

Google AdWords Promos & Campaigns Part Three

Back on the attack! Time to make an ad or two to give you the feel! We ended the last post about to contruct our first advertisement on this screen: All in all this is pretty easy. There's no graphics, no font options, not jingles...just your words to draw people to your advertisement. The handy preview window the right will show you exactly what your ad will look like! As Google will tell you in the "Help me write a great text ad," draw attention to your ad by highlighting the amazing things you do, tell the users to do something Read More >>

Introducing The Edgeworks CMS with Blog

Posted By Ed Rooney Ed Rooney Posted On Dec 17 2012 at 12:40 PM Dec 17 2012 at 12:40 PM



Introducing the Edgeworks CMS with Blog - the platform of choice for businesses that want to blog without the headaches of managing a blogging platform. Read More >>

Friday Props #30

Thirty is the new Twenty! Twenty is the new Ten! None of that matters because this is, after all...your Friday Props, voted the #1 props in the universe by Zarniwoop Vann Harl! Now that, my friends, is cool. Right out the gate, I'm going to warn you that not all of this is creative. Nope, because the fact of the matter is that Prop-worthy things happen all the time the same way that the nyads and dryads inhabit the woods. Sometimes it's a mater of being the right place, at the right time and other times, it's like falling and missing Read More >>

Apps We Like #1

Posted By Ed Rooney Ed Rooney Posted On Dec 08 2012 at 05:12 PM Dec 08 2012 at 05:12 PM



We start our new blog series about apps we like with this first post focused on apps for nothing but fun. That's right - games! Read More >>

Friday Props #29

Posted By Phil Stevens Phil Stevens Posted On Dec 07 2012 at 11:40 AM Dec 07 2012 at 11:40 AM



Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night? Do you experience feelings of dread at your work? Have you or a member of your family missed Friday Props? If the answer is yes, don’t wait another minute. Call the professionals. Our courteous and efficient staff is on call 24 hours a day to serve all your Friday Props needs. We're ready to believe you! Welcome back to the future of Friday Props! This week, I couldn’t think of cool stuff to put into the props. I checked the bottom of the cereal box, but since kids choke on those prizes Read More >>