Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

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Viewing posts from March 2013

Friday Props #61

Watch it wiggle! See it Jiggle! Share some Props today and share some fun!

Friday Props #60

Let’s be honest here: I’m curious about how much energy and information the government has collected on me over the years during their surveillance. I’m not particularly worried, only curious. Nor am I particularly surprised with the breadth of information they may have beyond my occupational, educational, legal, financial, telephonic or vehicular data. Frankly, I’m not sure what else there could be out there. Are they reading Friday Props? Great! Read More >>

Meet The Team: Jamie Hack

Posted By Ed Rooney Ed Rooney Posted On Jul 15 2013 at 02:10 PM Jul 15 2013 at 02:10 PM



Like most 17 year olds, Jamie Hack likes to stay up all night and sleep in all morning. Jamie lives a thrilling and dangerous life, his most recent accomplishment being able to "hack" into the Edgeworks Creative headquarters. Gamer by day and batman enthusiast by night, Jamie has grown fond of web development and has joined the Edgeworks team, hoping to learn a trick or two along the way. Jamie's interests include, but not limited to, sleeping, wake boarding, killing zombies, performing back flips on the trampoline, annoying his sister, and obsessing over television shows that his sister got him Read More >>

Friday Props #59

Posted By Phil Stevens Phil Stevens Posted On Jul 12 2013 at 11:31 AM Jul 12 2013 at 11:31 AM



There, once wind pushed the clouds off to the east, taking with it the sticky humidity and afternoon thunderstorms, in the translucent blue sky it shimmered, shimmered like a delicate hollow diamond filled only by the aspirations and whims of the many. Many people through the eons called it many things and ascribed reason and history to explain why it hung there. Today, we call it Friday Props. 

Friday Props #58 [Late Edition]

Once again when the Props fall to me they fall low to the ground before I scoop them up in a heroic save. That's all I got. Friday Props. Late Edition. #58

Content, Content, Content - Business Promotion Through Blogging

The old adage that "Content is King" rings as true today as it did when it was coined in the early days of internet marketing. The difference between then and now is that nearly every small business can benefit from the creation of smart content and doing so with a blog is relatively easy. In this post we'll look at strategies for promoting your business using a blog.