Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

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Viewing posts from July 2015

Friday Prop - Just Cool Stuff

It's Friday. It's Props day. Here's some cool stuff. Google I/O is on right now, and GoPro showed up in force. On the heels of yesterday's announcement that they would be launching their own line of quadcoptor drones, GoPro has revealed a new camera rig to pair with Google's "Jump" VR system. The 16 camera monster allows for filming of a completely immersive, virtual reality environment in full 4k quality. See more here. I'll follow with a projection mapping project recently undertaken for the 2015 VIVID Festival in Sydney Australia, an Read More >>

Friday Props - Kids These Days

Posted By Darren Rooney Darren Rooney Posted On May 22 2015 at 02:52 PM May 22 2015 at 02:52 PM



It's another week of internet findings! This friday I'm growing up, and telling the youths to get off my lawn! It's Friday Props, the Kids These Days edition. I'll kick off with some senior citizens with some serious street cred. Lata 65 takes first props for bringing the culture of street to the elderly by running workshops in Lisbon Portugal. The project pairs elderly citizens with street artists to create public works of art and cultivate community. Second props this week are going to an urban climbing duo operating as "On The Roofs" for this video of them climbing what is Read More >>

Friday Props - Kids These Days

Posted By Darren Rooney Darren Rooney Posted On May 22 2015 at 02:52 PM May 22 2015 at 02:52 PM



It's another week of internet findings! This friday I'm growing up, and telling the youths to get off my lawn! It's Friday Props, the Kids These Days edition. I'll kick off with some senior citizens with some serious street cred. Lata 65 takes first props for bringing the culture of street to the elderly by running workshops in Lisbon Portugal. The project pairs elderly citizens with street artists to create public works of art and cultivate community. Second props this week are going to an urban climbing duo operating as "On The Roofs" for this video of them climbing what is Read More >>

Friday Props - The Retro Futurism Edition

Posted By Darren Rooney Darren Rooney Posted On May 15 2015 at 01:01 PM May 15 2015 at 01:01 PM



It's the world of tomorrow from yesterday! It's Friday Props, the Retrofuturist edition! I stumbled across some wonderfully quirky visions of the future this week and had to share them for Friday Props. I'll be kicking off with this collection of Japanese futurist illustrations predating the 1960's. The collection is filled with visions of futures utopian or otherwise all with some super retro flair. While sifting through some of these fantastic images I was brought back to hours spent pouring over Chris Foss' "21st Century Foss" as a kid. I'll give his work a props as well and share his Read More >>