Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

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Viewing posts from July 2015

Friday Props: To those who make

Posted By Darren Rooney Darren Rooney Posted On Jul 31 2015 at 02:38 PM Jul 31 2015 at 02:38 PM



My props this week are entirely inspired by a curated collection of creators I found early in the week. is dedicated to showcasing people endeavoring to craft by hand. The site features videos, short interviews, vintage photos, and various books for those who want to make for themselves. Those Who Make doesn't take much time to describe itself, focusing purely on it's content. All I can find is that it's run by Michael Ariel, a maker of quality handmade textile goods found under the name Proudly Say. All around it's a wonderful site to explore the mindset of the the Read More >>

Friday Props-A Mixed Bag Edition

Posted By Darren Rooney Darren Rooney Posted On Jul 24 2015 at 01:56 PM Jul 24 2015 at 01:56 PM



Here's to another work week coming to a close. Let's celebrate with some friday props! It's a mixed bag edition, so here's a bunch of things I found interesting. This Parody. Entitled "The Timmy Brothers" this piece is a great parody piece about bespoke drinking water. Give it a watch, enjoy a laugh, and pass it along?

A short look at the Timmy Brothers, Brooklyn–based makers of bespoke drinking water.

Bill and Terry Timmy are introducing handcrafted water to the world with an almost pathological attention to craftsmanship and a thirst


Friday Props-Covers, Acoustics, And A Little Bit Of Art.

I'm always a fan of a well done cover song. There's something to be said for the community created by sharing and appropriating music. So when I stumbled upon the series AV Undercover I had to give it props. Each series they draft a list of songs to be performed, then bring in artists who have to perform one of the songs from the list. The results are pretty spectacular. Here are a few of my favorites so far. Punch Brothers cover The Strokes' "Reptilia" Screaming Females Cover Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" Of Montreal covers The White Stripes' "Fell In Love With Read More >>

Friday Props-The Strange Worlds Edition

Posted By Darren Rooney Darren Rooney Posted On Jul 10 2015 at 02:05 PM Jul 10 2015 at 02:05 PM



Friday Props often means stumbling into some pretty strange and fascinating places. Today's props is inspired by my first props reciever, No Man's Sky. It's a procedurally generated game that has potential to change the world of gaming forever. Why? Because it's massive. Scratch that. It's not just massive; it's infinite.  Read More >>