Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

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Latest news from Edgeworks Creative and some of the things we find from around the web.

Friday Props-A Mixed Bag Edition

Friday Props A mixed bag edition_1

Here's to another work week coming to a close. Let's celebrate with some friday props! It's a mixed bag edition, so here's a bunch of things I found interesting.

This Parody.

Entitled "The Timmy Brothers" this piece is a great parody piece about bespoke drinking water. Give it a watch, enjoy a laugh, and pass it along?

This Commercial.

Stripped down and simple, this commercial made by Avocados and Coconuts carries a simple reminder to find yourself outside. With the weekend ahead of us, it's a good motivation to have an adventure!

These Woodblocks.

There's something incredibly cool about traditional print techniques meeting up with Star Wars Imagery. These handmade prints from Masumi Ishikawa are part of a project called "Rhythm Force", an attempt to revive interest in traditional Ukiyo-e (woodblock print) art. If you ask me, it's working. Give them a look!





These Ceramics

Rainbows, vibrant sharks heads, and the occasional Plesiosaur all work their way into artist Lorien Stern's ceramic works. They're full of quirk and charm, and made my day a little brighter. Enjoy!


