Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

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Viewing posts from February 2013

Friday Props #44

Recently, scientists seeking to learn the mysterious life of Props outfitted a young specimen with a remote camera using staples and Gorilla Glue before releasing it back into the wild. Over the course of several days, the scientists tracked the Props to better understand these reclusive beasts and observe its legendary growth.

Friday Props #43

 I don't live in Florida. I don't want to live in Florida (as far as I know). And while there are a few aspects I wish we had here in Vermont (Year-round bass fishing), I doubt I would consider it 'paradise' as a former resident of New England described it on the phone to me earlier this week. Still, our Props this week originate from warm-weather climes and would be difficult to duplicate here in Zone 4-5. Perhaps someday I'll have an opportunity to visit a few of these places.....but they sure aren't in Florida.

Friday Props #42

 A little bit of sickness is still lingering in my sinuses so please pardon my brevity on the props. Today is many things: Today is Friday. Today is The Ides of March. Today is also Props Edition #42 (not to be considered the answer to Life The Universe, and Everything).

Friday Props #41

When I'm feeling down, when I'm feeling a little blue, when I find myself banging my head against a palm tree until small lizards fall, there's only one solution for me! Friday Props!

Props. The security blanket for all your creative needs. Read More >>

New Project: Michelin Tire and the 4x4 Center

Sometimes a project is much more than a website. Sometimes a project is about disrupting the nature of an established process and introducing technology and creative problem-solving in ways that are different than before. This is one of those projects. Edgeworks Creative is proud to unveil the work it has done with The 4x4 Center and Michelin Tire of North America in this blog post. Read More >>

Challenges of Web Typography

Posted By Cynthia Ryan Cynthia Ryan Posted On Mar 01 2013 at 11:58 AM Mar 01 2013 at 11:58 AM



With new media, designers now face the challenge of trying to control the way their typography looks across multiple browsers and operating systems while keeping the look consistent with their print materials. There can be substantial diferences from browser to browser in the rendering of typefaces from the same webpage source code. Understanding why this is can help you mitigate some of the issues. Read More >>

Friday Props #40

She wore an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka Prop Buh-lini. Tiny. Small. Miniature. One catch phrase I used to hear frequently from a former boss of mine was "detail-oriented." Given the context of those conversations, I'll stick with the first three and avoid making you suffer through the oft-used cliches to introduce our Prop-holders today. Read More >>