Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

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Viewing posts from March 2013

Friday Props #77 - Old School Style

This week I'm handing out Props to awesome steeped in a sense of history. This week it's old-school style and to start out we're going to go WAY old school - back to the 7th century in Japan where a tradition of grandparents and parents using silk threads of worn kimonos to fashion intricate balls for their children on New Years' day. One 92 year old woman in Japan has been creating these since the 1960's and now has a collection of nearly 500 of these fanciful and impressive traditional Japanese temari handballs. Serious Props handed out to this woman. Unfortunately I Read More >>

Friday Props #76: Lighting Up the Night Edition

Here we are again with another week zooming by and another round of Friday Props (over)due. This week I'm bringing you things to light up your weekend. At first it was tempting to find some excellent Christmas light displays, but I think I found some much, much cooler stuff to fit the theme this week and I hope you'll agree. Hat tip to Mahala for bringing this one to our attention. Props going out to Wrecking Orchestra for it's use of light in this insanely fun Tron Dance. From the futurisitc to the far past we travel away from the Japanese dance Read More >>

Friday Props #75 - The Where in the heck have you been edition

Wonder where Friday Props has gone off to? Fear no more - we're back! In Props #75 we look at animals made of shattered CDs, faces with cool and wild makeup and the nature of kids with stickers. Read More >>