Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

We code so you don't have to

Latest news from Edgeworks Creative and some of the things we find from around the web.

No New Content Ideas? Curate the News!

One of the cornerstones to success with any online endeavor is to have a steady output of content. The phrase "Content is King" has time and time again shown itself to be true. In order to rank well in search results for your particular subject matter we always counsel businesses and bloggers to write more content. Sometimes, however, the time it takes to write new content can become a weight that is hard to bear. It's hard to see what more can be written about a topic when so many others have already seemingly covered everything and it's not a simple task to come up with something fresh and new if you're already up to your neck in other responsibilities. Luckily, though, there are a few tricks you can employ. I'm going to share one with you now. I call it Content Curating on a Time Diet. Much like the job of a museum curator, content curators are folks who are looking for interesting content online and pulling it together into their own space - adding their own flavor or opinion and sharing it with their readers. Using trendy news related to your industry, it is possible to quickly come up with new ideas for your own content or to simply point to other peoples' content and add your own editorial. Here's how to do this: 1) Go to your favorite search engine and click the link to News. Enter a search term related to your business or industry. For example if you are a restaurateur you might consider using phrases such as "hot food trends" or "wine labels" or "fusion cuisine". The results provided in the News search feature will give you the most recent news related to your search terms. 2) Start looking through the search results for topics and news that are of interest to you. Follow and collect the links. After you've gotten a few good pages you should now be set to write your own content that is timely (after all it's newsworthy!). 3) There is no number three - it's that simple. When you find yourself having trouble coming up with great new content just remember it's okay to both create and curate. Curated content is great for social networks as well as for springboards to your own content. It shows you are aware of the trends in your industry and gives you an opportunity to share your expert opinions. Remember ... if you are on a time diet but face the need to create new content - curate the news.