Edgeworks Product | 9 |
Content Creation | 4 |
SEM | 11 |
Design | 11 |
Instructional Design | 3 |
Props | 218 |
Alphabet Soup | 33 |
Creative Collaboration | 1 |
Website Ownership | 5 |
Services | 5 |
Client Website | 29 |
Edgeworks Office | 18 |
Marketing | 18 |
AI Assisted Post | 1 |
SEO | 10 |
This Day in History | 1 |
Branding | 1 |
Book Review | 1 |
Q&A | 3 |
It's Friday. It's Props. And this week we are tipping our hat to the bringer of good wholesome news to our daily feed -That Good News Girl!
I sometimes get overwhelmed with anxiety over all the things that act together to seemingly pull apart the fabric of our society - things like information silos, norms breaking, lack of civility, declining inclination for compromise ... It feels like every day I am bombarded with negative, depressing, and sometimes even frightening news. Social media surely doesn't help make things better. So when I ran across That Good News Girl I smashed that like and follow and I think you should, too.
That Good News Girl is a social media account apparently helmed by a woman named Jenn. Her mission is fairly simnple:
Trying to make the world a little brighter by sharing good news.
That, my friends, is exactly what she does.
Yesterday, for example, I watched a reel about Percy the bearded dragon who fell in love with his owner's sock. What is not to love about this? No hate. No division. Just sweet, cute, dumb lizard-thing loving a sock. The content she shares is often heartwarming and a good reminder that there really are good people doing good deeds all the time - including herself. So Props to That Good News Girl
If your feed could use a break from vitriol, hate, misinformation, creepy targeting, and other regrettable things then check her out at any of the following places:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatgoodnewsgirl/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatgoodnewsgirl
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thatgoodnewsgirl