Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

We code so you don't have to

Latest news from Edgeworks Creative and some of the things we find from around the web.

Friday Props #5

It's time again for another round of kudos for the cool kids on the block.

What time is it?

This week we're sending out a shout-out to Richard Birkett  for the wild clocks he builds. These treasures are all one-of-a-kind and made from industrial debris. He takes bits and pieces of broken machines from typewriters to cameras to VCRs and gives them new life as whimsically designed clocks. Keeping stuff out of landfills and giving us groovy time keepers in the process earns him Props. Check out his collection at and find him on Facebook at


San Francisco ... One Toothpick at a Time

You gotta hand it (Props, that is) to anyone with the persistence to develop something requiring not thousands, not tens of thousands but over one hundred thousand parts and to turn those parts into something so much greater. Scott Weaver  is just such a person. He's created a sculpture of the city of San Francisco using toothpicks - over 100,000 of them. It's taken him over 35 years to make and it includes multiple ball runs that allow you to go on "tours" of different parts of the city.

 Giant Paper Flowers

Intricate, graceful and stunningly beautiful paper flowers fill the Gothic Abbey of Sanit-Riquier in France. These flowers are the creation of artist  Peter Gentenaar of the Netherlands. Handing out Props for the serenity these creations offer. Crafted out of bamboo ribbing, paper and wax they are strong three-dimensional forms that seem to belong hanging from the vaulted ceilings of the ancient church. More images are available from the links provided above. Worth a look.