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Props | 218 |
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Eggplant. Who doesn't love a little Solanum melongena now and again? In this, our twelfth week of Friday Props, we're looking at eggplant. What a strange thing to be handing out props for, yes? Yes. But hold onto your hats because I promise you'll fully like what we have in store for you this week.
You might think we're going to look at recipes (and the thought did cross our minds), but instead we're handing out props to one of our favorite spots on the web to get inspiration for color schemes. Colour Lovers is a spot to create, share and use color schemes contributed by a community of users. The aubergine flower to the left was made with a color palette we liked named ... wait for it .... eggplant
We all know there are no better gardeners than those who manage to bring forth in our short growing season enough bounty to get a family through the winter. Well here's a garden in Rochester, Vermont where the bounty is so rich and the heart behind growing it so generous that we just had to hand out Props. (We don't actually know if there is any eggplant in this garden, but we think it counts anyway)
Finally Props going out to our very own Phil Stevens for his participation in the annual "People's Race" in Barre, VT. This race - also called the Enduro - is a 200 lap race to the death finish with about 100 cars. Phil entered this year after retiring his Plymouth Neon from daily commuting duties. The Plymouth was affectionately referred to as ... wait for it ... the Eggplant. Massive Props to you, Phil - you are an inspiration to us all - a legend in the making.
I have no idea where this originated or I'd hand out Props to the person who did it, but in my search for eggplant related coolness I ran across this pretty nifty gem. Props to you, Mr. Fancy eggplant.