Catch Us Old School

  • Edgeworks Creative
  • 33 Central Street
  • Randolph, Vermont 05060
  • 802.767.9100

We code so you don't have to

Latest news from Edgeworks Creative and some of the things we find from around the web.

Point. Click. Edit. Simplicity baked in.

Point. Click. Edit.

We've been hard at work on our platform in recent months elevating the user experience for website owners to a level of simplicity that is best summed up in three words: "Point. Click. Edit."

We spend a lot of time working to make our CMS as simple to use as possible. We own a small business, too, and we understand that demands on your time are not an easy thing to juggle. But we also know that having a website is a critical tool in any small business marketing toolbox. We want to deliver not only beautiful hand-crafted websites, but beautifully functional sites that take the pain out of management.

With the release of version 2.0 of the Edgeworks CMS we've baked simplicity into managing your website.

Wordpress Demons Be Gone!

We get quite a few clients who have wrestled with WordPress and the seemingly unending need for updates, patches and repairs. We've had clients who have had their websites defaced, hacked and broken while using WordPress. When you have a busines to manage you shouldn't also have to manage a website with software updates and fixes. The Edgeworks CMS takes care of those updates behind the scenes so you don't have to. We've eliminated the pain points most often associated with the webs' most popular "free" software and made things that much simpler for our clients.

We don't offer free software, but we stand behind the software we create. The Edgeworks CMS is our business and we've made it simple to use so you can focus on your business.